Effective Resume, How to create a good resume

Creating an effective, "targeted" resume is the first step to getting a great job
We are in the era where every position is specialized so it is important to tailor your resumes accordingly.
A general resume may not indicate the specific skills and accomplishments that would help you to achieve success in a given position.  Whereas creating a targeted resume makes perfect sense from a business point of view. It recognizes the fact that prospective employers are looking for specific qualifications when they're attempting to find a pool of candidates to interview for an advertised job.

Things to be taken care of

·          The layout must be clean and professional.
·          Use professional legible font.
·          List strong skills and qualification in the first half of the resume.
·          The position and place of employment must be highlighted (bold or underlined).
·          Include special recognition, awards and participation in relevant professional field.
·          Look for ways to economize your words. Your statement must be short with a punch.
·          Use bullets instead of paragraphs.
·          Use a lot of white space (Readability matters).
·          Proofread for errors.
·          Print your resume in a high quality paper.

Things to be avoided

·          Don’t label your resume with the word resume as it is obvious.
·          Do not use funny email address. Your email id must be professional,   your name and a few numbers added to it will do justice.
·          Don’t include photographs unless it is required.
·        Avoid acronyms and jargons. Keep it simple and readable. Do not expect your recruiter to understand them.
·          Do not bother much with objectives. Your key skills matter the most.
·          Do not include hobbies or interests unless they support your job objectives.
·          Things like height, religious views, marital, parenthood status should not be included.

Don’t expect somebody to hire you only because of your resume. It’s simply a piece of paper with no guarantee of truthfulness. Only you can speak for yourself, not your record. Meanwhile resume is the gateway where you get a chance to be interviewed.
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